Barbara Hartmann

I love to learn and discover new things.

Welcome to my portfolio. This is a collection of my past work, you can find my current work portfolio in my GitHub account.

I recently completed the Data Science Bootcamp at Le Wagon Berlin.
In June 2020 I completed my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science at the FernUniversität in Hagen.
I also hold a Certificate in Interactive Media from the Pratt Institute, New York.

While working as a Web Developer my expertise was in programming and database design with an emphasis on web accessibility and usability. Projects included conception and development of online shops and virtual classrooms utilizing ASP, Perl, and SQL programming as well as database management.

Programming Skills in
Python, Java, and SQL

Courses I attended include
Data Engineering Nanodegree at Udacity
IBM Data Science Professional Certificate at coursera
Practical Deep Learning for Coders with
The missing semester at MIT

I am interested in
Data Science, Data Engineering, and Machine Learning

In the past I have worked with
CGI w/ Perl, ASP, PHP, Java Script, HTML5, CSS
Macromedia Flash incl. Action Scripting, Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator, Macromedia Director incl. Lingo, QuarkXPress, AutoCAD incl. AutoLISP, ArcInfo incl. AML-scripting, ArcView

  © 2003-22 Barbara Hartmann