Barbara Hartmann - Web Developer

GIS - Geographic Information Systems

What is GIS? - Simply put, a GIS combines layers of information about a place to give you a better understanding of that place.

During the 5 years I was working as a GIS technician in Hannover, Germany my duties included database programming and preparation of statistics, maps, and images for environmental planning in highway and railway projects.

Maps like these ...

Map showing the environmental planning for a new by-pass - current status
Environmental planning for a new by-pass - current status

Map showing the environmental planning for a new by-pass - future outlook
Environmental planning for a new by-pass - future outlook

... have been created from code like this:

&if [exists %uv%/bio-cover] &then
    shadeset /disc5/p7757/lookups/p7757.shd
    asel %uv%/mass poly
    polygonshades %uv%/mass dxf-layer /disc5/p7757/lookups/massfarb.lut
    resel %uv%/mass arc lines = 104
    arclines %uv%/mass 104
    shadedelete all

&if [exists %uv%/bio -cover] &then
    linesymbol 114
    arcs %uv%/bio

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  © 2003-22 Barbara Hartmann